When settling into a new home, you may think, “This is the one. I’m never moving again.” This house has everything you need, and who would ever want to go through the hassle of buying or selling again? However, if life has taught us anything, it’s never to say, “never.” 

No one knows what the future holds in store. Over the years, you may start to wish for something bigger or smaller or in a more convenient location. You may need to relocate for work. Or perhaps you just want a change. There’s a reason why some people get itchy feet and decide to pack up and move so often! 

Whatever your reasons, you will want a trusted real estate expert by your side to ensure a seamless transition and help you get the best value. Should you use the same agent to help you sell your existing home and buy a new one? It depends on your agent and on your unique situation. Let’s take a deeper look.

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What Are the Circumstances?

There are many benefits to using the same agent, but it isn’t always feasible. For example, what if you’re selling your existing home to move to a new city in a different province? Since it’s usually best to work with a Realtor® who knows your area, two different experts may be called for. Your local agent can help you prepare and market your existing home, using their neighbourhood expertise to earn the highest possible value from your sale. A real estate agent in your new city may be the better choice to help you buy the right home where you have access to all of the amenities you will want after your move. 

See our related posts for even more tips to help you enjoy a successful purchase:

Does Your Agent Specialize?

When you agree to hire a real estate agent, they now have a fiduciary duty towards you. What does this mean when buying or selling a house? Most Realtors® are professionals who got into the business because they want to help clients reach their goals. 

Ensuring that you achieve optimum results is also in their best interests, especially if they rely on referrals from satisfied clients. However, fiduciary duty takes it to another level. It means your agent is legally required to represent and protect you throughout all various stages of your transaction. 

  • A listing agent negotiates on your behalf to secure the highest price for the transaction and the best terms, all while working to ensure a seamless closing and an experience that is as stress-free as possible.
  • A buying agent works on the other end of the transaction to help you get the lowest price, while protecting you from purchasing a house that isn’t going to be suitable for your needs. 

Some agents act as buying specialists or focus solely on listings. However, most prefer to work with all types of clients as it strengthens their skills and understanding on all sides of the transaction.

Benefits of Keeping the Same Realtor®

Finding a good real estate agent is one of the most critical steps to achieving a successful transaction. However, this alone may be no easy feat. You’ll likely perform extensive background research and ask many questions before choosing an expert to represent you. You might interview multiple professionals as well as check reviews from various sources to ensure their track record. All of this research takes time and effort. Once all is said and done, the decision of whether to use the same real estate agent again will boil down to the results you get from your first transaction. 

If your experience left much to be desired, you may want to cut your losses and move on to a real estate agent who will serve you better. But if your experience was positive, why would anyone want to start this process all over again for the next move? 

Looking for more advice to sell your house in a fast-paced market? See some of our related reads below:

The Importance of Relationships in Real Estate

Buying or selling a house is a complicated transaction. Success requires in-depth market knowledge and the ability to juggle multiple moving parts, all while accurately analyzing the numbers and often changing strategies mid-flight. Above all, real estate is a human industry, where negotiation and crystal-clear communication skills can lead to a seamless transition with minimal stress. 

The right agent combines market expertise and professionalism with integrity, compassion, and empathy. Even the most successful transaction will have challenges, especially in a fast-paced market with rising prices and diminishing supply. 

There will be last-minute hiccups and obstacles to overcome, and the occasional disappointment is inevitable before you achieve the results you are hoping for. An agent that you have established a relationship with will be there through all the ups and downs at every turn. Who better to guide you through the maze of both buying and selling than a skilled professional who understands your needs and is personally invested in your success? Though not always feasible in every situation, it will pay off to use the same agent most of the time.

Do you have questions about buying, selling, or investing in the Halton area? I am here with the unbiased advice you need to make an informed decision. Reach out today at 416-884-7925 or email damir@damirstrk.com for more information or to take the next step.